Good credit is of little use to a company if nobody knows about it. Creditreform has been offering an assessment based on objective criteria since 2009. Only those who can show an exceptional credit rating and a good forecast for further business development receive the "CrefoZert" seal of approval as an indicator of financial performance.
This year, senswork has been certified as “excellent” for the eighth time in a row, making it one of the two percent of German companies that stand for an exceptionally good credit rating. Customers and partners benefit from this, as business relationships in the education sector often last for many years. A credit certificate not only creates trust, but means that the company is sustainable and prepared for the future.
"We are very pleased that we have received the award for the eighth time," says Roman Rieger, Managing Director of senswork. "It shows that the company is financially sound and is doing business in a future-oriented manner." The certificate has a term of one year.
senswork ist Experte für Komplettlösungen im Bereich der industriellen Bildverarbeitung, der optischen Inspektion, Deep Learning und im Prüfgerätebau. Unsere Lösungen zur Automatisierung und Qualitätssicherung werden täglich in zahlreichen Branchen wie der Automobilindustrie, dem Maschinenbau oder der Medizintechnik eingesetzt. Von unseren Standorten Burghausen und München aus betreuen wir namhafte Kunden aus Industrie und Forschung.
senswork GmbH
Gewerbepark Lindach D 3
84489 Burghausen
Telefon: +49 (8677) 4099580
Telefax: +49 (8677) 4099589